Just an update on the Hilda & Richie Kickstarter front – the Kickstarter is now 40% funded and is getting closer to being halfway funded!
As we have passed the 25% funded milestone, all Kickstarter backers are getting a special reward and that is a sneak peek at a BRAND NEW SUNNYVILLE STORIES COMIC! That’s right; it’ll be the first one I’ve drawn in a few years with Rusty and Samantha!
At this time, only anyone backing the Hilda & Richie Kickstarter will get access to this comic. Do you want to see it? Then there’s an easy way to do that.
Just back Hilda & Richie now on Kickstarter for any pledge, even as low as US$1, and the Sunnyville comic is yours!
Well, what are you waiting for? Go back Hilda and Richie now on Kickstarter!