And now it is time for the announcement I wanted to make in regards to the planned Sunnyville reprint and following up on where I left off yesterday.
I have decided that the very first episode of Sunnyville Stories, titled “Beginnings”, will be completely redrawn!
I originally said I wasn’t going to do this. I did change my mind though my other earlier comics will simply stick to retouching and minor edits.
Why am I doing this?
The first Sunnyville comic was drawn over 10 years ago. It is showing its age back when my drawing skills were much weaker. I honestly want to go back and redo the story now that I am much better at drawing.
I also want to rework some of the scenes and redo the jokes. Among one of the items on my list is to have Rusty reference his cousin Dominic, meant to establish the Dominic & Claire spin-off as being part of the Sunnyville canon.
I plan to start work on redrawing Sunnyville #1 once I get the Hilda & Richie Kicsktarter and reward fulfillment out of the way.
Stay tuned for more news on that as well as my plans for the Sunnyville reprint!