Merry Christmas everyone!
It’s been a while. As you know, I’ve been busy lately; besides the demands of my webcomic Poison Ivy Gulch, my second picture book Hilda & Richie’s Wizard is coming out next year. The Kickstarter to fund this is about 12 days from now, set to launch on early Wednesday morning January 5. I will have regular updates here about that as well as Hilda & Richie’s own blog. (Keep in mind that these two foxes are part of Sunnyville’s universe.) But that’s not what I want to talk to you about today.
Today, I want to outline the “master plan” for Sunnyville Stories. The first phase is already underway: the announcement and preparation. As you recall, I announced earlier this year that I will be completely redrawing Sunnyville Stories episode 1. This is also meant to tie in to my further plans to reprint the Sunnyville comics in book format but I’ll get to that in a bit.
The second phase of my plan will get underway in the first half of 2022. During this time, I will start drawing the new, remastered episode 1. (There’ll be details on that in a future update.)
The third phase will be in the second half of 2022. From there, I’ll be planning out the first new book collecting the first few stories; all the meanwhile, I’ll be liquidating the old books (volumes 1, 2 and 3) and listing them as “out of print”. This book will be titled Sunnyville Stories: Beginnings and is planned to have the first four stories collected (Beginnings, Multiball Madness, The Train Robbers and Don’t Answer Me). Future books will be similar, having titles of the first story contained therein. Also as part of my plan, the Kickstarters I plan for 2022 will be a good testing ground to make sure I can raise the large amount of dollars to fund print books. During 2022, I will be funding my second picture book in January and the first book collection of Poison Ivy Gulch in June.
The fourth and final phase will be in 2023. During this year, I will be using Kickstarter again to fund my third picture book Hilda & Richie’s Sandwich and the new Sunnyville Stories book. Other pages and panels in the other Sunnyville comics will need to be redone and I’ll have to secure new ISBNs for that book.
And that is my plan. Sunnyville Stories will LIVE again. Stay tuned to this blog as there should be regular updates again in 2022 on my progress and my other works.
Also don’t forget to follow the pre-launch page on Kickstarter for Hilda & Richie’s Wizard!