This week, we have some more pages up for Sunnyville Stories episode 1. But first, don’t forget to subscribe via RSS or email if you haven’t already. Please leave comments too – I’d appreciate the feedback. Sunnyville now has an official Facebook page so go check it out and Like it if you haven’t yet.
And if you still haven’t bought your copy of Sunnyville Stories episode 2…well, what are you waiting for? Go over to Indy Planet now and buy your copy today! But I digress.
When we last left Rusty Duncan, he was exploring the surrounding woods around his new home of Sunnyville and it was quite overwhelming for him.
It’s only now that Rusty realizes he’s not alone. Who else is there? Who’s watching him?
Little does Rusty Duncan realize that the encounter he’s about to have will change his life forever…
Ladies and gentlemen, here is the second main star of Sunnyville Stories…making her debut…the lovely young Samantha “Sam” Macgregor.
I had a lot of fun drawing that classic cartoon style take that Rusty does. The take and rendering it was a trick I learned from a neat book called Cartoon Animation by Preston Blair. That book is worth checking out if you like to draw as there’s handy stuff in there about character construction.
When I was showing this page to others, it got some very interesting reactions. Some saw connections with Sam to Eve, the Biblical mother of humanity, because of the snake on the previous page.
So now we know who was laughing at Rusty – I wonder how this encounter will turn out. But we must wait until next week for that. So come back next Saturday to see more free pages to Sunnyville Stories episode 1 “Beginnings”.
Don’t forget to comment too. Subscribe to the blog’s RSS feed and also be sure to buy a copy of Sunnyville #2. The link is at the top of this post.