Welcome back! I’ve got two more pages to Sunnyville Stories episode to share with you this week. These pages involve Rusty learning about the layout of the local town and its amenities…or lack thereof.
This was based on some of my own personal experiences. When I moved down south to a small remote town, it was radically different. While living in Queens, I was used to amenities like supermarkets, department stores, shopping malls, etc. being close by. That small town had not much – the closest mall was 25 miles away from me. In spite of making a new friend in Sam Macgregor, Rusty still feels alone. I’m sure that’s something we can all relate to – I bet a number of you readers out there have had times you felt like you were alone in a new place.
I just wonder what Sam has in store though for Rusty. Well, we’ll just have to wait until next week, friends.
Sunnyville Stories #2 is still available at Indy Planet and soon, the Sunnyville Sketchbook will be available from there. I hope to get the master files for Sunnyville Stories #3 to Kablam ASAP so stay tuned for that. Plus, if you want prints of Sunnyville artwork, you can stop by my store on DeviantArt.
Don’t be afraid to comment on my work or ask questions. I’ll be happy to take them. Subscribe via RSS feed or email if you haven’t already. See you soon!