Just on the heels of my first trade paperback being released, I want to announce that there will be a second trade paperback underway too. This book should be available sometime in 2014 or in 2015.
This second volume will compile episode 4, 5, 6, and 7 of my series. I’m planning this to be bigger than my first book. It will be so much bigger in fact that it will contain at least two bonus stories. That’s right – there will be at least two additional stories with Rusty and friends that will NOT BE AVAILABLE anywhere else.
There will also be one of the episode scripts included with Sunnyville Stories Volume 2. You’ll be able to see what was left on the cutting room floor.
That cover you see is just a mockup. Eventually, I will do a bigger version of my painting “No Swimming” for the cover.
That’s all for now. Subscribe via RSS feed or through email if you haven’t already. Be sure to stop by Indy Planet to buy your copy of my first book, Sunnyville Stories Volume 1, as well as my other comics. As always, your feedback is appreciated. What’s your opinion? We’d like to know.

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