I have some more page scans to share with you today. Compare these finished images with their pencil counterparts.
Anyway, Rusty is wandering through the vast wilderness surrounding Sunnyville and encounters someone. Rusty’s joke, as I explained before, is a shout-out to the 1979 film, the Muppet Movie. Kermit the Frog and many of the characters make that joke throughout the movie.
Notice how much more crisp the figures and backgrounds look when they are rendered in ink. AND they reproduce much better than pencils.
Rusty shows them the way since he lives in Sunnyville. This page is one that I’m proud of – did you see the polyptychs I used?
Notice the static figures imposed on a continuous background. That’s a technique I took from Dave Sim. Comics are a static medium, but these polyptychs gives the illusion that Rusty and the other characters are moving!
Sunnyville Stories Vol. 1 (ISBN 9780615653921) is still for sale on Amazon. Copies of Sunnyville Stories Volume 2 and Von Herling, Vampire Hunter are for sale right now at Great Stories. Check out Direct Textbook too for more details on my books!
Your feedback is appreciated. Contact me at maxwestart(at)gmail.com or write to:
Different Mousetrap Press LLC, 1100 19th Avenue N, #108, Unit J, Fargo ND 58102-2269