Sunnyville not to fundamentally change

I need to make some clarifications on my upcoming sabbatical.

First and foremost, I am NOT quitting drawing or ending Sunnyville.

Second, Sunnyville Stories is NOT going to fundamentally change.  It will still be a series telling about Rusty & Sam in a small town.  I still plan to keep the look and influence of 20th century newspaper comics (like Peanuts, Garfield, the Far Side, etc).

With all that’s happened and what came before – that was the reason for my planned sabbatical.  I honestly need a break.  I need to take time off to write scripts for Sunnyville numbers 15-22.  It’s also a strain on me to not only write and draw Sunnyville; I have to promote the series, I have to negotiate with vendors & libraries in carrying the work, I have to go to conventions AND I have to handle the business end too like taxes, government paperwork and so on.  (Let this also be a warning out there to whoever thinks cartooning, illustration, animation, etc is glamorous and a quick way to fortune.  It is NOT!)

The aim of the sabbatical is to practice my basic drawing skills (and that will never end).  It’s also to hone my skills with the ink pen, brush up on the format of comics itself (hence why I’m pulling out Scott McCloud’s books) and to review perspective.  While it’s my aim to sometimes use Western style perspective in Sunnyville (one-point, two-point and three-point), I don’t aim to abandon the usually flat and simple perspective that I use in my work.

While taking a break is for my own good, Sunnyville will continue on.

During my time off, the blog will be updated regularly and you’ll get to see my progress.  You’ll also get to see script excerpts and concept art.  As Sunnyville #15 involves Rusty going a game show, I’ve got some neat ideas for that.

Nothing will change except my skills.  I aim to keep going no matter what.


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About Max West

I am a freelance artist and the creator of Sunnyville Stories, an independent slice-of-life comics series.
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