Tonight, I was going to make an announcement to rally support for the Sunnyville Stories Kickstarter.  In spite of doing an amazing job in raising funds, we lagged for awhile and, just today even had a few pledges yanked.

Besides asking for the usual pledges and to tell others, I was also going to unveil more tactics in order to pull in backers.  Then, early this evening, I saw this.

Sunnyville Stories 2017 Kickstarter Goal Reached

I had to reload the page a few times to make sure I was not hallucinating.

The Sunnyville Stories Kickstarter has been fully funded.


I am honestly at a loss of words.  I can’t believe that the Kickstarter not only got funded; I had such an outpouring of support and made this goal in a short time – about ten days.

After my first Kickstarter completely failed, I was able to get this one to succeed.

However, this is not the end.  While the Kickstarter is now 100% funded, it is not finished.  We have about 20 days to go and we still need pledges made for the Kickstarter.  There are still rewards open.  14 out of 30 copies remain of the Sunnyville Stories Super Special #1, which is a LIMITED EDITION comic.  Each individual copy will be signed & numbered and no more will be printed.  On top of that, it’s hard to say what sort of challenges we may face such as the printing and shipping of these comics, both to myself and then out to the backers.

What I’m trying to say is that we still need pledges.  Please pledge to the Sunnyville Stories Kickstarter today and tell everyone you can about this amazing comics Kickstarter!

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About Max West

I am a freelance artist and the creator of Sunnyville Stories, an independent slice-of-life comics series.
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