The year 2016 is gone and the new year of 2017 has started. That means out with the old…
Ahem…I have a lot of plans for this coming year for both Sunnyville Stories and my other creations. So let’s go over what’s in store for this year.
First, I’m still working on a top secret project. You’ll know about that soon enough. Second, I have gone back to doing YouTube videos on a regular basis. These will be audio style, thanks to the microphone I got last month. One was posted up back around December 14. I just put another one up a short time ago. My YouTube channel will get updates at least twice a month – around the start and again around the middle. Here’s the first entry of the new year.
Anyway, moving on, there’s more plans. Production will be starting soon on both Sunnyville Stories #15 and #16. The Sunnyville Stories 2017 Kickstarter (to fund a special limited edition comic) starts next week on Jan. 8, 2017 so stay tuned for that.
There will be other comics this year too. The Whimsical Worlds of Max West will be re-issued soon for DriveThru Comics. Plus there will be a new Von Herling comic later on. Besides DriveThru, I aim to put that and the Whimsical Worlds up on Comixology. Stay tuned for more news on those as they develop.
My first convention will be Fargo Moorhead Comicon this February which isn’t too far off. More business cards have been ordered up and I’ll have copies of Free Sunnyville on hand to give away. I’ll have more information about that later.
That’s it for now. May 2017 be a great year for Sunnyville! Sign up for the Sunnyville Stories mailing list if you haven’t yet. Stop over to DriveThru Comics for digital copies of Sunnyville Stories. Copies of Sunnyville Stories Volume 1 are still for sale on Amazon, both in print and Kindle formats! While you’re there, be sure to pick up Sunnyville Stories Volume 2 and (if you love Gothic horror)Von Herling, Vampire Hunter! And now available is the latest installment of the saga, Sunnyville Stories Volume 3. Get them today!
Copies of all the above titles are available to the library trade via Brodart Company and to retailers from Ingram and Baker & Taylor (via BCH Distribution). Copies are also available direct from the publisher. For ordering information, contact maxwestart(at)gmail(dot)com or write to:
Different Mousetrap Press LLC, 1100 19th Avenue N, #108, Unit J, Fargo ND 58102-2269 USA