Coloring Comics For the First Time

Now that Inktober is over and done with, I have some announcements to make.  First, I will be selling comics and other goodies at a craft show over in Moorhead Center Mall this coming Saturday November 10 in Moorhead, Minnesota.  This is a big show and many will be looking for Christmas gifts (that time already?).  In fact, this show is so big that tables & chairs are NOT provided this time by the event staff; I have to provide my own!  Look for me there if you want some comics or Christmas presents.

Second, the fund for the Kickstarter have cleared by now.  This weekend, the files for the Sunnyville Super Special #2 Kickstarter will go to the printers.  More reward surveys will go out tonight and the last of them tomorrow – PLEASE make sure you fill yours out so you can get your Kickstarter rewards.  

As I reported before, I am working on the planned Dominic & Claire spin-off of Sunnyville.  It’s only sixteen pages, one of them being an editorial page.  However, it’s a big challenge for one reason.  Do you know what that is?

Dominic and Claire panels being colored

Above is a rough print of the comics pages.  What is different about this page as opposed to other comics I’ve drawn?


Yes, Dominic & Claire will be in color.  Printing comics in color is much more expensive than black & white; this is why many independents like me tend to avoid color.  The other issue with color comics is a technical one – coloring comics is a craft and a science.

You can’t simply slap down every color on a comics page.  Comics are NOT like coloring books.  Color must work to tell the story.  If the color confuses the reader or doesn’t aid in the storytelling, then you’ve failed.  I may talk more about color’s use in comics one day.  But that’s a whole other discussion in itself.  I also differ in my color work in one way.

Inks and alcohol markers

I am coloring comics traditionally with inks, professional design markers (alcohol-based rather than water-based) and some colored pencils.  I will be supplementing that by using Photoshop to retouch artwork and add colors where necessary.

By the time Thanksgiving passes, I need to have all the pages done.  Lucky for me, I am making good progress.  The cover art is done and much of the art is coming together.  I’ll have more news on the Dominic & Claire comic as it comes together; updates will be shared here, Twitter and on the Facebook page.

Make sure you stay tuned!

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About Max West

I am a freelance artist and the creator of Sunnyville Stories, an independent slice-of-life comics series.
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