Today, I would like to announce my next Kickstarter project. It is titled “Dominic & Claire Circus”.
Like Dominic & Claire Fun-Size, this will be a digest size comic book. The Kickstarter will launch on Wednesday, January 29, 2020 and will run for about 30 days. The goal this time will be US$1000.
There is a reason for this higher goal this time. If I can raise $800 on my previous one, I can raise a little extra for the next one. While the planned print run is 500 copies, I may do a slight overrun leading to a final printing of anywhere from 520 to 575 copies.
On top of that, the page count will be higher as there will be 24 interior pages and the covers will use a higher quality paper this time. I may be getting a barcode too as I look for micro-distribution this time in a comics shop; that will serve as a stepping stone to get my comics into comic book shops in the future through a distributor.
I will have updates in the future here as I need to work out details, especially for planned rewards. Check back here later for more updates.
Be sure to subscribe to my mailing list if you didn’t yet. And get ready for Dominic & Claire Circus in 2020!