Tag Archives: sunnyville stories episode 10

Episode 10 page 2 pencils

Picking up from where we left off yesterday, Rusty is wandering through the woods surrounding Sunnyville. In yet another polyptych (a technique I picked up from Dave Sim of Cerebus fame), Rusty comes across a shadowy figure.

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Episode 10 Page 1 Pencils

As I promised, I’ll share some of the rough pencils that I’ve been working on for Sunnyville Stories episode 10 “Listen to the Music”. So shall we get this show on the road? Our story begins in the vast forests … Continue reading

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Episode 10 and other notes

I have a few notes of interest today. First, I came across this interesting blog post about Neil Gaiman’s Eight Rules of Writing. It’s definitely worth reading. Rule number three really caught my eye: 3. Finish what you’re writing. Whatever … Continue reading

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Episode 10 Script Excerpt

Good day, friends. It’s fourteen days until the release of Sunnyville Stories Volume 2. On March 1, 2014, the book officially hits the streets! At present, I’m working on Sunnyville Stories episode 10. I’m trying to work out the layouts … Continue reading

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Cerebus Heads For Sunnyville

I have some big news, everybody. Sometime ago, I sent a letter to Dave Sim up in Kitchener, Ontario. I wanted to ask for permission to use his famous creation, Cerebus the Aardvark, in Sunnyville Stories episode 10. This morning, … Continue reading

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