Picking up from where we left off, I thought I’d display the bottom panels of page 2 to Sunnyville Stories episode 9. As you remember, it’s part of the cold opening where Rusty is spying on his neighbor, Mrs. Hauptmann.
As I had been taught, I’m using a contrast of thin and thick lines. For the closeup of Rusty in the left panel (as well as the top ones), I used a thick line provided through a Speedball A5 nib. The thinner line used to draw Rusty in the right panel was done with a Speedball 512 nib, one of my workhorses. This thinner line is required due to the medium shot as opposed to the previous close shots.
Rusty seems quite disappointed that Mrs. Hauptmann is finished swimming for the day. That means she’ll be changing out of her bikini into one of her dresses.
As you probably notice, this is not a finished page. I’ve only done the lines. I haven’t filled in any black areas as of yet.
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