I have some rough pencils to share from parts of Sunnyville #11 pages 3 and 4 today.
As the Talbot family owns the general store, we shouldn’t be surprised to see Alexander and his older sister, Magnolia working in the store.
Magnolia pretty much knows everyone in town since everyone shops at the general store; she gets along with everybody much like Sam.
That might be one of the reasons that there are people out there who hate Sunnyville Stories. The story is about a small town where everyone knows each other. The more urban populace living in New York, Los Angeles, and so on often tend to look down on such people as being “stupid” and “backwards”.
There’s two Easter eggs here on this page. Note the panel on the left. The bottle of soda that Sam is holding is a real brand! It’s Big Red, a cream soda from Waco, Texas. I guess Big Red is readily available in Sunnyville. On the right, Magnolia is scooping up potato chips from an open barrel. That’s truth in television! Years ago, potato chips used to be sold in giant barrels rather than in various size bags you could buy at your local supermarket.
I’m unable to show the middle panels of page 4 as I had problems scanning them AND there’s some problems that need to be fixed. But I do have the bottom panels available to share.
Sam, being friendly of course, tells Magnolia that her cousins are visiting.
Next week, I’ll have some more pencils to share.
In the meantime, Sunnyville Stories Vol. 1 (ISBN 9780615653921) is still for sale on Amazon. Copies of Sunnyville Stories Volume 2 and Von Herling, Vampire Hunter are for sale right now at Great Stories. Check out Direct Textbook too for more details on my books!
Your feedback is appreciated. Contact me at maxwestart(at)gmail.com or write to:
Different Mousetrap Press LLC, 1100 19th Avenue N, #108, Unit J, Fargo ND 58102-2269