Work progresses on Sunnyville Stories #11 and it’s now in the inking stages. Anyway, I thought I’d share another page today. It’s one that is pretty much one of my favorite running gags in Sunnyville.
Rusty spots the nearby candy machine and it’s filled with Mike & Ikes. Usually thinking with his stomach, Rusty decides to eat some.
Here, Sam sets up a joke as Rusty eats some of the Mike and Ike candies.
And here we have the punchline.
This is a running gag in the Sunnyville Stories series. We frequently have characters eating or drinking things that they shouldn’t be. Why? It’s funny.
I’ll have more artwork up soon. Sunnyville Stories Vol. 1 (ISBN 9780615653921) is still for sale on Amazon. Copies of Sunnyville Stories Volume 2 and Von Herling, Vampire Hunter are for sale right now at Great Stories. Check out Direct Textbook too for more details on my books!
Your feedback is appreciated. Contact me at maxwestart(at) or write to:
Different Mousetrap Press LLC, 1100 19th Avenue N, #108, Unit J, Fargo ND 58102-2269