Tag Archives: tiffany and corey

Notes for March 24, 2019

I have a few short announcements for today regarding my comics. First, don’t forget that I am appearing on Saturday March 30 at the Moorhead Center Mall. I will be participating as a vendor at the Toys Collectibles & Curiosities … Continue reading

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Taxes, Kickstarters and More for 2019

I do have an announcement to make today.  The Kickstarter I announced recently for Tiffany & Corey?  It has been cancelled. I have had some things come up.  One is that I have to take care of the annual taxes.  … Continue reading

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The Tiffany & Corey Kickstarter

ATTENTION:  AS OF 3/3/2019, THIS KICKSTARTER IS CANCELLED DUE TO CIRCUMSTANCES BEYOND MY CONTROL! Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to announce my next Kickstarter.  It won’t be for Sunnyville though (I will do them for both Sunnyville #18 and #19 … Continue reading

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Next Conventions, Comics and Kickstarters

Welcome back, everyone.  Today’s blog post is a short one but I wanted to let you know where we stand on the comics. My next convention is Fargo Moorhead Comicon on Feb. 23-24.  I also plan to start selling at … Continue reading

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The Next Comics for 2019

This is a short update today.  First, there’s a new banner on the blog with the new Sunnyville Stories logo.  I hope you like it. Also, comics work continues.  Dominic & Claire will be for sale at the Fargo Moorhead … Continue reading

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Sunnyville and Comics for 2019

Hello, everyone!  The Christmas break for the blog has ended and now it’s back to business. So what can all of you expect for 2019?  Comics planned for this year are Sunnyville Stories #18, Sunnyville Stories #19 and a print … Continue reading

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On Sunnyville Books and Other Books

I am sorry, everyone, about not updating yesterday.  Heat has come here to Fargo of the Upper Great Plains.  The heat drained my energy.  I guess I should enjoy this heat while I can; soon enough, snow and ice will … Continue reading

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Etsy, Facebook and other Notes

This is a short post today.  On a personal note, I’m busy cleaning out my living quarters and work area.  In spite of that, I do have some brief announcements. Remember my webcomic Tiffany & Corey?  This webcomic now has … Continue reading

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Comics and Artwork Back on Etsy

Attention!  I’d like to announce that my store on Etsy is open again. I have original artwork for sale there as well as a few Sunnyville comics.  Remember the Sunnyville Stories Super Special #1 from my first successful Kickstarter?  Two … Continue reading

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Fargo Moorhead Comic Con 2018 Day 2

The first convention of the year for me has come and gone.

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