Before I kick this post off, I’d just like to announce that the fourth episode of Sunnyville Stories has been finished. Yes, the inking has been COMPLETED! All that’s left is the cover and digital formatting for the printers. I’m aiming for a release sometime around Memorial Day weekend. But I digress.
When we last left Samantha and Margaret Macgregor, they were coming home from the repair shop. Those of you who have not read the last pencilled pages…shame on you. Go back and read them right now. I’ll wait.
They notice a 1973 Pontiac Trans-Am parked outside. That car happens to belong to none other than their big brother, Rolf.
This marks the debut of Rolf Macgregor in the Sunnyville canon. Those of you with sharp memories may recall that he was mentioned in the first episode, but did not actually appear. This page marks his very first appearance. It also marks the debut of one of Rusty’s alternate wardrobes – his Swiss style outfit. This was a nod to one of my artistic influences, Richard Scarry. Rolf deeply cares for his sisters – after all, he is a big brother and was responsible for watching them. Sadly he doesn’t get to see them much anymore since he lives on his own in Solton.
Rusty finally gets to meet Rolf in the flesh. He didn’t get to since Rolf doesn’t live at home anymore (refer back to page 21 and 22 of the first episode).
This flashback you see also marks the only appearance of Rusty’s mom. Rusty’s father isn’t in this episode. There’s a reason for this. There are times when I want the young characters on their own without adult supervision as it allows them to have various adventures. Some of the stories I have planned (which I’ll discuss in the future) are just not possible with the parents around.
I have to love the joke here. Rusty ended up breaking the coffee maker when he tried to cook rice in it – his look of feigned innocence is priceless. This pencilled page doesn’t have the coffee maker in it. The final inked page does have it however.
I’ll have some more pencilled pages up next week everyone. Maybe I’ll even have the finished painted cover up. Feel free to leave your comments and questions here. Subscribe to the RSS feed if you haven’t already and don’t forget to check out the store to get your copies of Sunnyville comics.
Till next time!