Picking up from where we left off last time, the Sunnyville Junior Theater Club is busy selecting a play that they can do for the town’s birthday this year.
If you remember the last pages, Rusty came across the script for the play “Grease”.
Unfortunately, Rusty confuses that play with the story of the 300 Spartans who fought the Persians at Thermopylae. The joke here is that he confuses “Grease” with the country of Greece and its rich history – especially alluding to the film and graphic novel of 300.
As I explained in the previous post, Grease was my first choice when I conceived the story. The problem was that it’s a copyrighted work and so I couldn’t use it without either severely butchering it or any sort of infringement. Konrad Von Straussen was going to play Danny Zucco (his comment in the bottom panel alludes to this) with Rei Tanuki as Sandy, his sister Rose as Rizzo, along with Sam, Margaret, and Magnolia as the Pink Ladies. Oh, what might have been.
Here, Joey Escavatore finds a copy of another script. That lyric he sings – just in case you don’t get the reference, it’s from the movie (and later stage play) The Producers.
Hmm…it seems that they’ve settled on Cinderella, the fairy tale.
I had to cut a lot of things out for time. Another choice that the club would consider but rejected was going to be “Jesus Christ, Superstar“. That was going to be rejected as the reason given was that the club did it when Sam’s older brother Rolf was a member (some years before) and that an abbey outside of town complained to the school board about it.
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