Author Archives: Max West

About Max West

I am a freelance artist and the creator of Sunnyville Stories, an independent slice-of-life comics series.

Redrawing of Sunnyville Episode 1 Starting!

Hello, Sunnyville fans! It’s been awhile. Now that the Kickstarter for my second picture book has ended, it is time to move onto other things. One of the big items on my to-do list (besides the planned Kickstarter for Poison … Continue reading

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Last Day for Hilda and Richie’s Wizard

The Kickstarter for my second picture book Hilda & Richie’s Wizard ends today. It runs until 11:58PM Central Time tonight. We are only less than $400 from the goal. If you are one of those types who like to wait … Continue reading

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Hilda and Richie’s Wizard Almost Halfway Finished

It is day 14 of my Kickstarter to fund Hilda & Richie’s Wizard, my second picture book. We are nearing the halfway point of the campaign. The book is 37% funded so far. Despite the fact that I am down, … Continue reading

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Hilda and Richie’s Wizard Update

So far, the Kickstarter for my second picture book – Hilda & Richie’s Wizard – is off to a good start after one full week. We are one-third funded. While that is good, there is still a long way to … Continue reading

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Hilda and Richie’s Wizard Press Release

FUNNY FOX DUO ARE BACK FOR SECOND BOOK! FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Hilda and Richie’s Wizard, the sequel to Hilda and Richie (2021), comes to crowdfunding platform Kickstarter this Wednesday January 5, 2022. Created by Max West and being published by … Continue reading

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The Sunnyville Stories Master Plan 2021-2023

Merry Christmas everyone! It’s been a while. As you know, I’ve been busy lately; besides the demands of my webcomic Poison Ivy Gulch, my second picture book Hilda & Richie’s Wizard is coming out next year. The Kickstarter to fund … Continue reading

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Update: Plans for 2022 and 2023

It’s been awhile since I’ve updated. But I do have some news to share today, Sunnyville fans. As you know right now, I’ve haven’t had time to work on Sunnyville Stories lately. All my energy is going into my next … Continue reading

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Celebrating Eleven Years and Delays

First, today is August 1st. You know what that means? It was eleven years ago today back in 2010 that this blog for my independent comic book series, Sunnyville Stories, launched! Happy birthday to the Sunnyville Stories blog! Now I … Continue reading

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Redrawing Sunnyville Stories Number 1

Now that my taxes have been taken care of, I can advance my plan to redraw the first Sunnyville Stories comic. Here is my plan. The focus will be on completely redrawing the story with my stronger drawing skills as … Continue reading

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New YouTube channel now up! Please subscribe!

Just a short announcement – I have a new YouTube channel up! The purpose of this channel of mine is meant for two primary purposes. The first will be to help promote my work such as Hilda & Richie (naturally!), … Continue reading

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