Category Archives: tools

Book Review: Words That Sell

It’s been awhile since I’ve done a book review.  So I have one here that should be a boon to anyone who makes comics. Promotion is necessary and you must market your work, even if your work is handled by … Continue reading

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Research and your local library

When a lot of you artists and writers out there need to do research, the first thing you probably do is go to your desktop, laptop, or tablet and pull up a search engine – probably Google if you’re anything … Continue reading

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How I Ink a Comics Page, part 3

Following up after the last blog post, I’ll show you the next steps in how my process of inking comics goes.  As you remember, I was showing you pages from Sunnyville Stories episode 6 being inked.  The lettering has been … Continue reading

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How I Ink a Comics Page, part 2

Picking up from where we left off last time, I’ll show you how I continue inking comics once I’ve inked the letters, panels, and speech balloons.  Next comes a big part – doing the lineart. I’ve explained that my primary … Continue reading

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Lettering Episode 6 with Speedball Nibs

The pencils for Sunnyville Stories episode 6 have been finished.  I’m inking and lettering the pages as this blog post goes live.  Something is different however this time around.  Some of you know out there that for the first five … Continue reading

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How to Ink with a Brush, Part 2

Over a year ago, I did a blog post explaining how to ink with a brush.  That blog post pulled in a lot of traffic (nearly 500 views via StumbleUpon!) and has been put on social media many times.  Yet … Continue reading

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How to Use Dry Brush

I’ve taught you how to ink comics. I’ve told you how to ink with a brush. You think you know all there is to know about inking comics…WELL, YOU’D BETTER THINK AGAIN! I’m going to talk to you today about … Continue reading

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Getting Inspiration for Comics

Quite sometime ago, I talked to you about how to get ideas for your comics. That article is a good start (go back and read it if you haven’t already) – but some of you may need more of a … Continue reading

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Unconventional Inking Tools

In the past, I’ve talked about the various tools that are commonly used for inking comics. I’ve brought up dipping pens, technical drawing pens, and the brush in their use for inking comics. These aren’t the only tools used. Since … Continue reading

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Nine Tools Every Cartoonist Needs

I know there’s a lot of you out there (and reading this blog) probably want to make comics too – but don’t know where to start.  You might not even know what you’ll need to start making comics.  Well, I … Continue reading

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